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Chasing LED Speaker Rings


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Chasing LED Speaker Rings

Our 6″ (*note: will not fit 6/5″ speakers) custom formulated opaque translucent Chasing LED Speaker Rings perfectly diffuse the individual light points of the super bright LED lights.  And they feature full chasing, reversing, collecting dynamic patterns.  Boasting all of the best features, our speaker ring lights are among the brightest available, yet provide a smoothed look similar to neon light but with colors changing and in motion.

The back story:

LED speaker rings have been around for quite a while and have become almost ubiquitous in tricked out watercraft.  So finding supposed marine grade versions seemed easy enough, but the quality was often disappointing.  Many come with cheap wiring that is far from marine grade that would eventually fail, and most to be found are single color or basic RGB that (with luck) will cycle through a few colors or maybe some fades until the cheap remote inevitably breaks and they are stuck on a setting or no longer work at all.

As we are prone to do, we tested all of the best available, and when none met our standard.  So we opted to design our own.  We already had superior lights and modules we could use.   All we had to do was find a supplier of the plastic housing to install the components in.  Sounded easy enough but was easier said than done.  Turns out the choices were some low quality versions that were still pretty high in price and some OK versions that were offensively high in price.  Consequently, we opted to have our own made; correcting all the problems with other versions at the same time.

The result:

Our own proprietary speaker ring with great translucence, top grade components across the board and full range of single colors and transitions.  And best of all we incorporated all of our incredible complex pattern and chase functions.  We’ve not found anything that can match them.

Sold in pairs.


  • Water-proof strips, cables and controllers
  • Simple to connect sealed barrel connectors
  • 12v operation and simple installation
  • Feature rich Bluetooth app
  • Sync to music function
  • Proprietary smooth light point diffusion
  • Dreamcolor chasing dynamic patterns


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